Multiple Sclerosis Case Study

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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disabling disease on central nervous membrane (CNS). CNS consist of brain, spinal cord and optic nerve. T cells attacks myelin and produce damaging inflammation. Nerve impulses cannot be sent properly (will be explained in section 2) This disease is a lifetime neurological disorder. Diagnosing of MS is complicated because there is no single test can be positively test it.
Diagnosing MS includes neurological examination, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, evoked potential test and lumbar puncture. (Harvey Simon. Reviewed by David Zieve, 2012)


Neurological examination The doctors will collect all information about patient's symptoms as well as how and when they occur even symptoms that patient experienced several years ago. This is important in evaluating whether patient might has MS. In terms of coordination, strength, senses and reflexes, the doctor will look for injury to the 12 pairs of cranial nerves that relate to olfactory (sense of smell), sense of taste, optic, eye movement, sensation of face and scalp, muscle coordination inface and neck, hearing balance and gag reflex and movement of tongue.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan MRI scan is …show more content…

The causes and cure are still under scientist research. Most of the symptoms cannot be detected for early Multiple Sclerosis patient. Multiple Sclerosis causes a lot to manage but it unmanageable without support from family, friends and society. Multiple Sclerosis patient normal do not really know how much Multiple Sclerosis can affect the brain and the need to consider the impact earlier in their disease. Multiple Sclerosis could give impact to a person life if it not treated well. Most of Multiple Sclerosis patient will be facing difficulty with employment, family and community

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