Murder Definition Essay

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What is murder?According to websters online dictionary murder is defined as “ the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought .” Based on the definition a murderer is a person who has thoughts off or has pre planned a killing. Under this definition I don't see a reason as to why murder should ever be justified. Even taking into consideration the fact that emotions, beliefs, and situations can have a great influence on someone and their actions, I believe everyone has the force of will to do whats right. Emotion is responsible for causing us to make horrible decisions in our life. In “Medea”the author clearly shares with us all the emotions that was pushing Madea to take action. Anger, sadness, betrayal all contributed …show more content…

I see these sorts of situations as being tricky at times. You can never be completely certain of ones feelings and intentions, but for the sake of being an unintentional and accidental death i don't see the person who caused the death a murderer. One of the scariest situations that you can find yourself in is when someone is threatening your life or the life of another. You are in a position in which you can allow the killer to follow through with his intentions or you can do something to stop him. Of Course i believe that killing your offender should be the last resort, and you should consider any other preferable course of action. However if you find yourself with blood stained hands after committing manslaughter, I do not consider you a murderer. It is simply an understandable course of action that in my opinion you had the right to take in order to preserve a life( weather it is your’s or another‘s). A slightly different situation that is common are accidents, weather it’d be a simply car accident or a prank that was taken to far. In a car accident someone may be killed. In such a situation that could have many probably causes such as falling asleep while driving, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, or maybe even the a simple loss of control. It could even be all of the above, regardless I still wouldn't classify you as a murderer. You are at fault, you are responsible