Tom Was At Fault In This Case

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Homicide: the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another person. To you does this word fit in the events that have happened. It was obvious Tom my client was not trying to deliberately kill his little brother, Doodle. Tom cannot be legally convicted of a crime he allegedly committed. It may seem like he's guilty with all fingers pointed at him for the death of Doodle, but allow me to elaborate on how my client is indeed innocent. Tom was only doing what seemed fit to help out his brother Doodle. Tom stated in the case "When Doodle was five years old. I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn't walk, so I set out to teach him." Tom obviously had good intentions with helping his brother. We all get embarrassed …show more content…

In the time period of this incident, Doodle was diagnosed with a disability from the start. This so-called disability was actually called the Spanish flu. An epidemic had occurred in the early nineteen hundred, infecting everyone who came in touch with the virus. Doodle had gotten it from his mother at birth. There was no way to prevent this from happening. A symptom of the Spanish flu is bleeding from the ears, nose, or mouth. When Tom found Doodle sitting on the ground, he had said that there was blood coming from his mouth. Doodle was also bleeding from his neck when Tom had found him in the rain. This could have occurred when the storm was taking place. A branch or a rock could have flown into Doodles neck causing in excessive bleeding, his body couldn't handle. Doodle was found in a sitting position at the time of death. Doodle probably felt that he wasn't going to make it back to the house. This is when he gave up on trying to live as a whole, with a cut on his neck and the bleeding from his mouth of being overworked. Doodle called for his brother one last time as a farewell, since Tom had already ran far ahead Doodle sat down. Accepting his fate he closed his eyes and waited death. He passed away probably in the moments that Tom was waiting for Doodle to catch