Murder In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Is Murder Always Bad? In the book, Of Mice And Men, George and Lennie have a dream. They dream of buying a farm and living off the fatta the lan. All of these plans were crushed when Lennie got shot in the back of the head. Who was the killer? The killer was George, and in Georges defense, he was justified in killing him. For one, Curley was going to kill Lennie. Curley was going to make him suffer and if Curley had killed him then Lennie would have died in pain and agony. So Lennie was going to be killed anyways. For two, if the law got a hold of Lennie, and Lennie would have been strapped down and thrown in a cell to rot. Lennie would not be able to stand living in a cell for the rest of his life. For three, dying fast and painless is better than him dying slow and painful. So George was going to shoot Lennie once and in the back of the head, rather than getting shot in the guts, bleeding out, and being beat all at the same time. Lennie had killed Curley's wife on accident so Curley was mad about that. Also Curley did not like Lennie when he got the better of Curley in the fight by breaking his hand, that was another reason to not like him. Now Curley had a reason to kill him. So Lennie had to run and hide in the brush and wait for George. Once Curley found out that Lennie had killed his wife Curley was …show more content…

Lennie was going to die anyways. He had killed someone and someone was out to kill Lennie, but the person out for him was going to make him die slowly and painfully. Curley wanted him to feel pain and agony. Lennie was going to take his time in killing Lennie. So George killed Lennie before Curley could find him. In the book, George had told Lennie to go to the river where they stayed in case of any trouble. So when Curley's wife was dead, George told the posse that Lennie had headed North instead of South. So with everyone headed North, George headed South to go find Lennie at the