Muslims Inequality Under Sharia Law

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Muslims still suffer from serious inequality under Sharia Law. Under the Sharia Law, women are not allowed to perform certain acts without having a serious consequence. If the male does it, there would be no consequence or the consequence would not be as serious. In Arabic, Sharia is defined as “way to the watering hole.” Meaning that in a difficult and harsh environment, following the watering hole path would promise survival and in religious text, would lead to a pleasurable afterlife. Although it says following the Sharia will lead to a pleasurable after life, how does one have a happy life when they are being treated so poorly? Sharia Law comes from the prophet Mohammad and is defined as the entirety of God’s commands and communication. …show more content…

In the religion, there are five pillars of practice. The five pillars are prayer, faith, pilgrimage, alms, and fasting. In 2015, there were 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. Currently, Islam is the second-largest religion in the world and it is the fastest growing religion also. It can never be separated from economic, social, or political life, because the religion guides every action a person makes. Muslims see that they, as the world around them, must be totally focused on God and his Will. Throughout history, being a Muslim does not only mean belonging to a religious community but also means you live under the Islamic Law, known as Sharia Law. In the Islamic government, God is the ruler. Since the Muslims believe this, to them God is the supreme Lawgiver, the man who distinguishes right from wrong, and the Absolute judge. Government should not be based off of religious beliefs. There has never been a real distinction between state and religious authority. The purpose of an Islamic political authority is meant to follow the divine law, Sharia Law. The function of the Islamic state is said to provide security so the Muslims can carry out worldly and religious duties. A government should be ruled by a true leader who does not set laws that are absurd. Government should not be ruled by God. Of course in a society, people should always believe in God and show their admiration towards him. In a government, the ruler should make the laws based on how he or she wants the society to be. The main problem with basing a government off of religious beliefs is, what if some people do not believe in the same things as the law? They would then be punished for not following a law that they possibly do not believe in. In society, no one should be forced to follow only one religion and not be able to explore new religions. Usually other legal systems or codes regulate public