My Argument For The Existence Of God

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Philosophy Of Religion
My argument for the existence of God related to philosophy of religion is viewed really significant. Among very famous philosophers, Aristotle’s explained Metaphysics; the necessarily preceding root of unending happening is a mover who can’t be moved, who is like the purpose of desire or of thought, inspires motion without itself being mover and a direct viewer of our heart and mind. He is the mirror of our thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs. This according to logic is God, the subject of study in theology. Nothing more seems responsible for the occurrence of such events.. I there-fore argue and support the idea of God existence through some premises and events that happened in the history or have been happening …show more content…

For people who don’t believe in Quran, there are strong worldly events that prove and are also acknowledged by science, logic and philosophy. There has to be a superficial power that ahead of the existence of the everything knew how things and events would evolve and hence it was God who not only informed us but set a function and a believable phenomena of everything happening without any assistance.
Many firm believers like myself of God distinct from philosophers of religion, often consider the existence of God as self-explanatory and explain, justify or support religious claims by explanation or insightful metaphors. A firm believer elaborates rationally or experientially on the nature of God. My argument is intensively based on the strict fact of the existence of God through various events.
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If the Bible and Quran is to be believed, then Jesus and Prophet ministry was accompanied by frequent miraculous signs that his claims and his teachings were legitimate by God. An incident which is a miracle quoted by Quran would be the incident where Prophet Yonus was first swallowed by a whale and where in the whale’s stomach for 40 days where he encountered stress and basically saw no hope to remain alive but at the point of impossibility he repented to God for a miracle and God answered his prayers by whale vomiting him out on the shore. No human life guard or science could ever perform such a unusual event. There must be someone beyond human body to make this happen. The Virgin Marry has conceived Jesus without a sexual intercourse. She was pregnant by God’s will when he sent his angel Gabriel. The evidence of miracle could even be the Baby Jesus speaking for the truth that he was brought in the world solely by his mother and has no father. His resurrection from the dead was, of course, the greatest of these, and is still taken by many today to be a solid foundation for their faith. Miracles typically involve the suspension of the natural operation of the universe as some supernatural event occurs. That can only happen, of course, given the existence of some supernatural