
Aquinas Quinque Viae: Proving The Existence Of God

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“Does God exist? If yes, then why did He allow imperfections, sins, and problems in His own creations?”, “If there really is God, why there is Satan and evil?” Have you ever asked those questions to yourself? Proving something that you, yourself, have not witnessed is really a hard thing to do since you have to provide enough proofs and evidences to convince other people to believe in you. Like, how can we prove God’s existence when in fact, we cannot see nor touch Him? There are lots of people in the world and we have different beliefs and religion – Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and many more that shows that there is God. But there are different people and organizations that do not believe about the existence of God. Some believe that God …show more content…

Thomas of Aquinas’ “Quinque Viae” or the 5 ways to prove God’s existence is what we believe the most. Quinque Viae states that “God is the prime mover, the cause causer, the necessary being, the perfect being, and the intelligent designer.” In our Philosophy subject, "existence is what we perceived to exist," so if God exist, then we must look to it that He really exists. According to The Essential Truths About God, “God made human beings in His image (Genesis 1:26-27), but we are still part of the material world. Each of us had a specific beginning, and are bounded by three-dimensional experience and passing …show more content…

St. Thomas of Aquinas’ proved God’s existence with his “Quinque Viae” or the 5 ways to prove God’s existence. Quinque Viae states that “God is the prime mover, the cause causer, the necessary being, the perfect being, and the intelligent designer,” but for Immanuel Kant, “God cannot be demonstrated at all, yet neither can his existence be disproved.” Existence of God will always depend on our beliefs. We just need to remember that God is always there and we should never forget Him. Just pray and thank Him for everything that He has done for us, always and every

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