The Teleological Argumentative Essay: Does God Exist?

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“God is real since he produces real effects”. This quote by William James, tells us just because God is not visible that does not mean that God’s effects are not real. A common invisible force would be the wind. We know that the wind is powerful and has the ability to tear apart towns and houses when in tornado form. However, the wind itself cannot be visibly seen only the effects of it can be and because of the winds strong effect, we know that it is real. God is the same way, he cannot be seen but we see his works each day that we live by way of the sky, the grass and trees, rivers and valleys all these things were created by God. God exists; the teleological approach to the question does God exist? Proves that we can see the proof of God’s existence in his creation of the multi-faceted, complex world …show more content…

If something is created, surely it has a creator; nothing makes itself. According to Lewis Vaughn, author of “Philosophy Here and Now” William Paley created the Teleological argument (Vaughn, 58). Paley argues that “the world resembles a watch in that it too looks as if it were designed by some intelligent being; therefore, the universe was probably also created by an intelligent designer-in other words by God” (Vaughn, 58-59). We know from common knowledge that if we see a car, a home, or something as simple as a stack of pancakes, someone made it; it did not make itself. Therefore, it is not likely that the world evolved as the naturalist Charles Darwin implied, or that there was a big boom and then suddenly earth was created and fully stocked for human and animal survival as George Lemaître suggested. Therefore, God is the best explanation why anything exists and here is why. Pamela King and William Whitney authors of “Teleological Considerations Based