What Are My Childhood Memories

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Childhood Memory
When I go to my parents ' room, I sometimes come out of the cabinet with photos to jump into the past. It always does something to me when I flip through them. There are moments of my childhood that I remember and others that I forgot. I regret not having more photos when I was baby and small. At the time, it was not machine gunned as digital cameras did not exist and the development of photos remained quite expensive. But I 'm happy to still have some memories of the past frozen on paper. Having been in meditation for several minutes, I found myself in the city of my childhood. A drawer of my memory opened and I lived again a very beautiful moment of my life around the age of 9 years. I found myself in the city of my childhood …show more content…

I remember we were eating lasagna that his mother had made. That was delicious! My friend also made me taste strawberries with milk. We played a lot. Fourteen years later, we are still friends. When I was 10 years old and I was in elementary primary school, I had a lot of fun. I have great memories of my school because my friends and I played at all hours. My school was located next to the farm. There, the cows graze I remember one day when we were in recess and we were playing on the football field. Suddenly, by the cloak which separates the school from the country, a cow has entered. Soon, the teachers ordered us to enter the building, because the cow would be dangerous and hurt someone. Afterwards, the concierge helped the little cow to return to his fields and also repaired the cloak. I have a lot of memories like this one at school. For example, once, when I was in the first school, who are the children that needed to come a little before, while we were playing, a batsman hit the window and then went into the 'school. The janitor put the little animal in a box and he dropped it on the street. Everyone says that the best years are those of his