
My Daughter Monologue

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It is the start of World War two, I'm so terrified, my father has gone into the war I can hear all the gunshots, children crying and asking where is my daddy. I start getting tears in my eyes my mother is says
"don't cry it is okay darling." A little voice in my head is saying
"It will be ok" but I Know it is not going to be okay, but I was so frozen with fear. I ran out of my mother's arms out of the door and I saw what I never thought I would see men crying on the floor because they have been wounded when I saw all of that I was horrified, my mother came running out of the door terrified when she saw me she ran as fast as she could to get me out of the battle field. When she was running to get me she had got shot I dragged my mother out of the shooting and blood shed I took her behind a little shack to help her but she said …show more content…

I ran to a city called Ballarat I stayed on the streets of Ballarat. One cold day I saw a man in a soldier's uniform someone that looked like my father, I got a closer look I knew that is was my father. I just knew it I asked
"are you John the father of Iliana" he replied
"yes I am the father of Iliana do you know what she looks

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