Personal Narrative: Drama, Ticket Drama

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Before I get into the get experience of seeing my favorite artist and having fun with friends it begins with drama, ticket drama. My friends and I were thinking about going to the iHeart radio Daytime Village Music Festival and I had an extra ticket. We found someone that would go with us and it happened to be Jake. So I was happy and ready for the festival so I sent his ticket to him expecting him to print it out the night before, but no he is a guy and didn’t think he needed to. The Morning of the festival I got a text from Mary saying, “hey we are about you leave you probably should too.” After getting this message I was ready and drove down to the strip. The park wasn’t as difficult as it may seem. The festival was set up in an empty lot next to the Tropicana and Mandalay Bay. Therefore, the easiest place to park would be the Tropicana because it wouldn’t be a long walk, so that what I did. I got there before Mary and everyone lese in here car, Hunter, Jake, and Rachael. I text them to park at the Tropicana and they say,” Okay, cool sounds like a plan.” I asked them if they had sunscreen because it was an outside event and it was over a 100 degrees. Their response was no but we will be fine. Three out the four people in that car burn so easily. I could not …show more content…

I asked where they were expecting them to already be there but no! They were still in the shuttle about to leave. Then I look up and I see Peter, Jenette, and Natalie just standing there waiting for the same people I was waiting for because they had Rachael’s ticket. They were upset with them too because them because someone in the group was being mean over text while on the way there. While we were waiting for them we had a nice conversation on how they took a shuttle and that I walked there and back and got there before they did. Then we receive a phone call. It’s a miracle! They have arrived, but the drama isn’t over