Descriptive Essay Sacrifice In Today's Sports

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In today 's sports obsessed world a lot of kids get put into a nerve racking situation of making or missing that game winning basket or touchdown or run or goal. Well on one hot July night, that kid was me.
It was the bottom of the 6th with no out and no one on base, and I was up to bat. I dug into the batter 's box and waited for the pitch. Then when the ball was about to be released from the pitcher 's hand. The lighting sirens started to “Scream”. Our game was delayed for two hours. After waiting for what seemed a lifetime, it was dark, and had to switch fields because the one we were at had no field lights. It was already 9:30 at night, and everyone was exhausted from just sitting around. Even though the sun was down, the air was still muggy with the moisture …show more content…

It was all up to Adam. He took two pitches for two balls. Then he chased a ball that was high. He took another one for a ball. Then he fouled off the next pitch. The count was full and it seemed like it took forever for the next pitch to come. I know it was 30 seconds at the most but the fact that the game was on the line it seem so it seemed forever. The pitch had finally come and I still don 't know what the pitcher was thinking, but the pitch was right down the middle. Adam had hit that ball like a rocket off the bat. I knew it was going to being caught so I got back to the base. I didn’t even look at the kid that was going to catch it. When I heard the “pop” of the ball hitting the glove I was gone like a shot out of a gun. The play was kinda close so I slide into home face first. I heard the catcher catch the ball two seconds later. I heard the ump say “safe”. The biggest smile formed on my face because I knew I was home. I think about that at bat every day and ask myself what if I swung a second earlier or later ,but then realize that it doesn 't matter because it 's over and we had