
My First Creation Myth

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The first creation myth motif that I have decided to talk about is that the creator god or goddess had to breath life into the first humans. I believe that so many religions have say they god breathed life into humans because we all have to breath to be alive and the religions thought the god gave us the power to breath. Also, sometimes when babies are born they have to help the baby breath or get something out of its throat so the baby will not die. The religions that have the motif that god breathed life into humans are: Hebrew/ Christian, Norse, Inuit, and the Yoruban. The Christian god Jesus was said to breathe into Adam’s mouth for him to become living. The Inuit believe that their god Raven which was part man part bird had to flap his wings over all of the object he made form the clay or man which came from the pea pods. The Yoruban said that when Obatala was pleased his work he had Olorun breathe life into all of his clay people. The Norse thought Prometheus and Epimetheus had to breath life into the people that they had made. The second creation myth motif I choose is that humans are made from organic material. I believe the most creation myths say that the first humans were made from materials that come from the earth because we have a lot of materials that do come from the earth which makes them …show more content…

In the Greek creation myth Prometheus and Epimetheus use clay to make the first humans. In the Chinese myth Pan-GU made the first living beings from Mud, but when he got tired of hand molding the humans he just threw out mud droplets which is believed to be people who are not good leaders. Mayan’s believed that Tepeu and Gucamatz had to make the first humans three times. First humans were made from clay, then the second humans were made from wood. The very last humans that Tepeu and Gucamatz made were from white corn. The Incas believed the Pachacamac made the first humans from

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