
My Growth As A Writer

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Growth of Writing
“The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book.” —Samuel Johnson The quote by a large contributor in English literature, Samuel Johnson, really resonates with me as a writer. Infact, my aunt, whom I respect very much, told me as a young girl that reading is hugely important. She always told me that I needed to get in the habit of reading and find a genre that I truly love. I can honestly say that her advice helped mold me into becoming a better writer. When a person becomes familiar with reading, it just becomes habit to pick up on well written articles. Along with being able to produce good literature of his or her own. The grammatical …show more content…

I have noticed that certain papers are not as fluid and flowy as others. There are times when I just cannot push through to finish even the minimum amount of page length, while the one prior, I was near to exceeding the maximum. Reflecting back, I was able to see that the papers that were hard for me to write, were genres that I do not prefer to read. As I see growth in my writing, I noticed that I really enjoyed or excelled in writing narratives or interesting stories that happened to myself, or others. However, while research papers were not difficult, I did not enjoy writing about a specific person. I felt that since it wasn’t myself or my experience, I did not have enough information to write about it. I felt as if I were missing something, and just could not make it go together harmoniously.
Based off the topic of the hard papers to write, I found some personal writing “hacks” that seemed to ease the suffering. I found that for research papers in particular, I should find the articles and print all the information first hand. After I find the articles that suited the topic best, I highlight the facts in different colors according to their order in my paper. As for a more recent discovery, I realized that the use of videos on a certain topic are helpful because the video kind of makes the words come to life in a …show more content…

I found that I absolutely need to be alone when I write. I get easily embarrassed, and it gives me some sort of anxiety when another person reads my unfinished paper. Along with that, I rather do my own proofreading instead of having someone else read it. That way, I know that they didn’t change something that I didn’t want changed. The use of the online source, Paper Rater, was extremely helpful. I found that it was great to ease the worries of maybe missing a mistake in my writing that I did not notice proofreading it the first

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