Some of the most famous writers reach a point in their lives where they are stuck or where their brains cannot develop any ideas or any new material. Writer's block state in which an author does not have the ability to create new work. Sometimes they have difficulty coming up with new ideas; sometimes it results in not being able to create work for many years. There are several writers claiming that “writer’s block” is nonexistent, and they comment that this argument in all in the mind. They describe this as an excuse people make to not get anything done. They would rather procrastinate than to put in the time to begin working on their writing projects. Many writers tend to overthink every little detail. Other people tend to let inspiration guide them into a paragraph or even a whole story. However, many authors argue that inspiration will only come if you push yourself to keep putting pen to paper each day. Several writers have their own way of dealing with a writer’s block. Many known writers, such as Anthony Trollope, is one of the most popular novelists of the Victorian era. Trollope discovered a daily writing habit. With this practice he could read …show more content…
Morrison and many other writers highlight the significance of writing rituals, “a set sequence of actions that you perform before you sit down to write.” Some examples of rituals are making a cup of tea or playing your favorite music kind of music. It is something to symbolize the start of a writing session. A ritual helps to mentally train the mind to start writing. He explains how he observed this method in action. He recently was talking to a writer who described something she did whenever she moved to her writing table. “I don’t remember exactly what the gesture was — there is something on her desk that she touches before she hits the computer keyboard — but we began to talk about little rituals that one goes through before beginning to