My Learning Strategies For Biological Basis Of Behavior

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My learning strategy for exam one will be to go over the slides that you posted on Canvas and as well as rereading parts of the textbook that I highlighted and took notes on. The main strategy that I will use to study will be to use each of the learning objectives in the chapters. Learning objectives concentrate on what we are expected to learn. Learning objectives particularly show what the student is supposed to know by the end of each chapter. I will be focusing on the learning objectives for the main point that it might be the main topics covered in the exam. The principles that I will be demonstrating are reading, highlighting and testing myself. I will be using the spacing strategy from self regulated learning. Each day of the week I …show more content…

• The Nervous System
• Neural Communication
• Division of Nervous system
Central Nervous System- I drew the nervous system and wrote down the names of each. I studied my notes and map so that I am able to describe its parts and how they are connected
I focused on testing myself on the Peripheral Nervous System and major divisions of the brain. I will also utilize the the slide that you posted on this chapter and test myself on the quiz yourself questions in the last slide.

Thursday October 12th

Chapter 4:
For this chapter I focused on rereading the key foundations of behaviour and understanding how the nervous system works. I went through the slides on chapter 4 as well as tested myself on the quiz yourself questions. I also used notecards for the definition words the chapter provided. This helped understand how they worked along each other. I also focused on the structures of the brain and their …show more content…

I will be rereading the chapter as well as taking notes on the notecards because that's the best way for me to study and remember information. After I am done looking back on the chapter I will test myself with using the notecard that I studied.
Take notes on these concepts flashcards and self test myself
Define consciousness
Define dual processing
Define selective attention
Level of awareness: The chapter provides a box that has the the level of awareness its description and provides examples. I will make a similar box and try to define each level of awareness and give examples of my own depending on the level of understanding that I have from the reading.
Drugs and Consciousness
For drugs and conscious I will make a list of the effects of depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens. I also add what each means and by writing it down I think that it will help me memorize the meanings and their differences.
Distinguish the effects of depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens. Give an example of one drug from each class.

What are the 6 things you should know about

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