College Admissions Essay: What Is Real In My Life

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To me what is real is everything, the water is real, the air is real, and god is real to me. To me everything is real its not like all this is a dream inside my head or that my life is like a movie in which someone can control what happens to me and the people I care about. Everything is real and nothing is made up. My parents are real and so is my little sister and all my friends. Basketball is real its not like when I play basketball someone is controlling me like a video game no I’m the one in control of how I play while I’m in the game. The scholarship that was given to me to come to Bacone to play college basketball is real its not like someone or something made it all up and that my scholarship doesn’t exist, my scholarship is a real object in which I have earned in the countless number of hours I have trained to play basketball to perform at my highest level. The world around me is crazy and that anything can happen in a split second. When I mean anything can happen I mean good things can happen or even bad things that could affect my life forever but most of the time it is a mix of good and bad in which I have to overcome. Many of the time I have …show more content…

For example, is I had to take an exam and I was being to lazy to study for it and just said who cares I’m going to cheat and not study. I would get a feeling in my gut telling me that something doesn’t feel right and that I should study to actually learn the criteria of the class instead of waiting the time I spent in the class listening to the lecture to end up not studying and cheat on the exam. Or if I really wanted a new pair of Jordan’s and didn’t have the money for them at the time in my head I would be like “why don’t I just steal these, and no one would know” but then I would get a feeling that this is wrong and that there could be serious consequences if I commit this crime just for a pair of