My Mexican Identity

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What am I? Well, who am I? Many people consider us brown people Mexican, but that's only if I were born in Mexico, which I wasn't. Both of my parents were born in Mexico, and I was born in the United States, so I am considered American of Mexican descent. We are also classified as many others names including Hispanic, Latino, and Chicano. Growing up I considered my race/ethnicity as Mexican. Rather than thinking differently now, I think the same because I still consider myself Mexican. Back then when I was younger, and attending elementary school (Washington Elementary School) in Woodburn learning about ourselves is probably when I began to become aware of my identity. Since the majority of the kids in my class were brown, it was easy to …show more content…

Family, and friends are a big part of my culture. Family especially is something that we value because we hold that to a high standard. They help me when I'm in need. Growing up listening to Chicano rap music is an aspect I’ve put into my culture, which is still going be part of my life because that won't change. The way I dress is another aspect I’ve put into my culture because I dress a particular way. I’m not into wearing small clothing, I'm more into wearing my clothes a little big because that's how I’m comfortable. Many people of other races view Mexican culture as a culture with bad people, but there are bad people all around. Benevolent people in our culture want to do good. Other cultures just seem to deceive us for some reason, maybe because they don't like …show more content…

It has affected me with my school and my education a bit because when I went to Woodburn schools, I was surrounded by people from my race, now sometimes I'm the only Mexican in a class, but it doesn't bother me, it just feels a bit weird. Since I live in Woodburn this whole race/culture doesn't really affect me in a big way because everyone is mostly the same where I live. Mexican people in Woodburn are almost identical because the food we eat, the way way we dress, and the way we act is identical. I don't see ways I benefit from this identify because I'm just a ordinary Hispanic. Because of my identify the thing I miss out on is not being tall because the majority of people in my race aren't tall. I haven't really adapted my beliefs into my culture, other than what I wear, what I listen to, and what food I eat.
Overall I don't see myself any other way than what I am today. Everybody in this world is trying to survive. Everyone wants to live a good life, so they don't have to worry about anything. We’re all humans in this world, and nothing