The Movie Wit Analysis

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An English Professor Vivian Bearing has spent her years interpreting metaphysical poetries. She is a person with a good intellect but is very distant with the students. At the start of the movie, she was having her check up with a doctor wherein she was diagnosed with a stage four metastatic ovarian cancer. She was also aware that there is no stage 5 of the disease. A doctor in the oncology department who is Dr. Kelekian wants Vivian to take a full dose of the chemotherapy for 8 months. Although he warns Vivian to be strong enough and reserve her inner courage in the treatment that will take a very long course, I think this kind of treatment is very painful enough for a person to bear. Having said so, she tries to remain impassive and tolerant …show more content…

As seen in the movie, she had undergone different tests, physical exams, diagnostics and treatments. According to the Principle of Human Dignity, every human being has an inner worth and inherent dignity. In this movie it was seen that she was treated as a specimen under research and not as a human being, especially when they do extensive medical procedures for the patient even though they are aware that continuing the treatment may even compromise not just her personal right but also her bodily function. Moreover, since this is an Experimental Research we have to consider that in doing such, medical professionals must proceed with reverence for every person and environment at risk. Basically the treatment that was offered to Vivian provide no reassurance that she will get better in her course of illness, instead Vivian feels so weak that her immune system gets more complicated and compromised resulting in a reverse isolation for …show more content…

In Non-maleficence, we have to avoid harm whether our action is intentional or non-intentional; thus medical professionals must have a well formed conscience in doing such risky procedure for the client. In doing an act of non-maleficence for the patient, you also abide in the Ethical Principle of Beneficence wherein you do good things for the patient out of your