My Personal Philosophy Paper

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Throughout the semester, there has been philosophers who have really spoke to me with my own personal philosophy. The epidemic of ADHD has increased drastically throughout the years in young children. Children are becoming more and more medicated and becoming zombie-like students. I believe that the education system in today’s society has drastically impacted children and the overmedicated epidemic of ADHD. Three philosophers who would have a field day with this issue would be Maria Montessori, John Dewey, and Alfred North Whitehead. Maria Montessori believes that every child is a born learner and they are inherently good. If they are allowed to develop freely, they would feel connected to the world around them and that would evolve into caring for each other. She believed that order was would help a child feed secure within its environment. Therefore, inside a Montessori classroom, everything has its place and is accessible for children to work in so they have maximum freedom to move and develop. John Dewey believed that learning was activity and schooling …show more content…

I do believe that for the majority of the issue of ADHD throughout children’s lives currently, they would all take a similar approach. Children are being made to sit and listen throughout the school hours. Critical thinking and creativity has been limited throughout classrooms and because of this, students are suffering. I feel as if all three of these philosophers would believe in basing the curriculum off of the students interests and giving them hands-on experiences. Another attribute that they would contribute to the children is letting them move around and be active throughout the lessons. Not only will they ensure the children are getting the proper experience they deserve throughout education, they will ensure the children are understanding what they are learning by applying it to everyday life