
My Vision For America Essay

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My vision for america includes change and a better future for all people. In America, there are many problems. Some more so than others however. For example, bullying, drugs, crime, terrorism, poverty, racism, the economy, etc. These topics that I’ve listed have a fairly large impact on the US and should be changed. America has many problems that need to be dealt with. The first problem I want to talk about is bullying. Bullying plays a huge problem in schools. In school, one in three american schoolchildren grades six through ten are affected by bullying. Bystanders also hurt the victims as well because they do nothing and allow this to happen. Around 160,000 children miss school on purpose and many drop out of school because of bullying. Schools have started to only now act because of student suicides. Not only are the victims hurt, the bullies are hurt because studies show that later in life, bullies show more likelihood in committing crimes and violence. The next Problem I will talk about is drugs. Drugs in America have caused many problems. They are becoming more and more common and are slowly taking over. Many celebrities have done drugs and some have died due to overdose such as Elvis Presley and Judy Garland. …show more content…

The obesity rate in America has grown a lot since the 1900’s mostly because of the added meat and fat intake. People in 2000 had eaten 20% more calories than what they ate in 1983. The rise in obesity is attributed to by many things. First is the fast food industry. People eat it because it tastes good with the fats and some people get it because they have no time and need something quick. Second is the lack of activity. Many people today don’t exercise and teens hang out inside and play videogames or are on their phones. Lastly are the drinks we drink. Things like coca cola, dr.pepper, root beer, mountain dew, and fanta. They cause asthma, damage tooth enamel, affect your kidneys, and cause heart

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