
Mystery Tube Lab Report

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Mystery Tube Purpose: In the Mystery Tube Lab, we were challenged to figure out what was going on inside the tube, figuring out how the strings were connected to one another inside that made them move in a certain way. Prediction: Our hypothesis was that there are three pieces of rope inside the tube, all being connected in a way that if one was pulled, the rest moves. Drawing: Materials: Paper Towel Tube String Scissor Pencil Procedure: Get paper towel tube (27.5cm). Get three pieces of string. Two 2 feet one 1 foot. Get a scissor. Get a pencil. Cut holes into the ends of the tube(1, 11/16) inches from ends. Order the string like in the drawing. Tie a knot on one side of the “middle” piece of string. Place the pieces of string inside of the tube. Pull the four ends of string out in four holes. Tie a knot on each of the four ends on the pieces of string. Label hole (top left) A. Label hole (top right) B. Label hole (bottom left) C. Label hole (bottom right) D. Data tables: Teacher’s tube: Pull A B C D A X X X B X X X C X X X D X X X AB X X AC X X AD …show more content…

One thing we could have done differently is that we could have figured out a better place to put knots to make the strings move more fluently. One problem we ran into in this lab is that the rope in the middle that we used to connect the other two pieces of rope could have been shorter. We discovered this during the testing because of the way the ropes moved. They did not move as they were supposed to, when (a) piece(s) of rope was moved, the other did not travel completely to their knot(s). Another problem we ran into was the length of the ropes A, B, C and D. The rope length was too long, causing us to run into the problem that the ropes would not go in as far as they were intended to go, hence affecting our results. We can prevent this problem next time by cutting shorter pieces of

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