Mythodrama Group Psychotherapy

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The rationale of this study was to investigate the effects of using the Mythodrama group psychotherapy approach for middle and late adolescents. The results indicate that the Mythodrama group psychotherapy approach is an effective form of intervention for adolescents with emotional and behavior problems. Teacher ratings for Mythodrama group participants showed a significant improvement in prosocial behavior, conduct problems, emotional difficulties and peer problems. These findings are consistent with Guggenbühl at al., (2006) who reported significant improvements adolescent behavior relating aggression and bulling. It can be concluded that the Mythodrama approach is effective for increasing trait emotional intelligence and adaptive coping …show more content…

The emotion-oriented coping did not reach any significant difference over time right after the intervention. As previous research indicates problem-solving or task-oriented coping styles contribute well-being and better adjustment within the environment (Turashvili & Japaridze, 2013), while emotion-focused coping is likely to be associated with behavioral problems, poor adjustment, as well as physical and emotional stress (Eschenbeck et al., 2012; Causey & Dubow, 1992). Research shows that emotion-oriented coping can be effective when aimed at reducing the emotional distress which can lead to more task-oriented coping strategies later, but when it is obstinate it prevents from task-oriented coping and will result in maladjustment (Endler & Parker, 1990; Lobel, Gilat & Endler, 1993). There was no significant change of emotion-oriented coping after the intervention however participants should be investigated over the next few months to determine if this coping strategy applies for long …show more content…

At the theoretical level, the results indicate that Mythodrama group work is an effective type of intervention for decreasing behavior problems, optimizing trait emotional intelligence and adaptive coping strategies among middle and late adolescents. The findings recommend a new aspect of Mythodrama which is relatively new method and the implication of such intervention for adolescent’s emotional intelligence was mostly unknown. This is the first attempt to investigate how Mythodrama intervention leads to an improvement of emotional functioning, coping strategies and behavior of adolescents. At the practical level, the results of the study are notable as it seems clear that a person’s self-efficacy is associated with numerous positive psychological outcomes. Research indicates that trait EI self-perceptions and dispositions have a substantial impact on peer relations, social skills, as well as psychopathology and overall psychological well-being (Petrides et al., 2006; Petrides et al., 2004). Furthermore, researchers have identified that peer popularity and social networks are part of the mechanisms that prevent high trait EI individuals to show psychopathology, antisocial behavior and delinquency (Austin, Saklofske, & Egan,