N. T. Wright's The Original Jesus And Who Was Jesus?

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Perhaps the most influential New Testament writer of our generation, N.T. Wright continues to contribute significantly to modern scholarship. Author of more than seventy books, he has also co-authored a book with prominent liberal writer Marcus Borg. Wright is a research professor of the New Testament and Early Christianity at St Mary’s College, University of St. Andrews in Scotland. He also served as the Bishop of Durham in the Church of England. As a conservative writer, his work can be regarded as a milestone for the contemporary scholarship. Two of his works which have been highly regarded are The Original Jesus and Who Was Jesus? Content Summary:
This work is a profound analysis or exploration of Paul, with attention to four different but equally vital factors (history, theology, exegesis, and application) one must undertake in order to appropriately understand the great apostle.
Wright …show more content…

In essence the ‘One True God’ that the Jews had believed in that spoke the world into existence from the beginning of time, had now been roaming the earth, speaking life into things that were dead. The ideology that first, Paul did not identify Jesus as the one God of Jewish monotheism, and secondly, he was theology was rooted in Hellenistic thinking is adequately refuted by Wrights arguments.
In chapter five, Wright discusses how Paul’s passion and enthusiasm to subdue and to destroy the Christians, is now being used to evangelize the Gentile nations with the message of the gospel of Jesus. This is what basically happened before Paul’s conversion encounter with Christ. People were afraid of him prior to him coming to Christ, however, after his conversion he was a voice of declaration of the gospel of salvation to the pagan