NAACP Advertisement Analysis

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The NAACP is a renowned organization that helped with the Civil Rights Movement of African Americans. The main goal of the NAACP is to help with the advancement of the black community and make sure that progress is made. In an Ad from the well-known group, makes a statement about statistics in the black male community and brings light to how young black males are being portrayed but beating the statistics in a positive way, becoming a new positive statistic. They are trying to teach young black males that they have a purpose, which encourages them to make more logical decisions in their lives to ensure that they will become successful, functioning members of society. This ad could be calling for encouragement from the Educational community …show more content…

The NAACP did this by making the audience feel positive and negative emotions. The reader could feel concerned for the young black male community and feel as though one should encourage the young black males so that they could stay on track and not to become just a part of the negative statistics that society has already labeled them with. Also, one can be angry about how badly the young black male community is stereotyped. Empathy is also another negative emotion that can be felt by the reader, because the reader feels bad that young black males are so stereotyped. Also, the ad can convey the reader to feel some positive emotions such as determination, respect and inspiration. One could feel determination if they are a young black male to beat the statistics that they are labeled with by society, but if they are not a black male reader they can feel determined to help the black male community and to encourage them to become more than just a negative statistic and to prove to everyone that they will be successful. Also, the reader starts to have respect for the black male community and starts to realize that you cannot base a whole community off of a negative stereotype. One can also feel inspired especially if it is a young black male reader. A spark may go off in their minds that if others are doing it I can do it also. Maybe seeing that other young black males are making positive changes in the community by beating the stereotypes can convey other young black males to do the