
NYC Mad Bomber Research Paper

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Explosive Bombs and Crime: How the NYC Mad Bomber Created the System of Criminal Profiling Profiles created for criminals are created by profilists with a strong understanding of human behavior, statistics, and forensic information. George Metesky was the NYC Mad Bomber. He was born November 2, 1903, in Connecticut, U.S.-died May 23, 1994. It was a 16-year manhunt and over those years he placed 33 bombs in public buildings in New York City. In December 1941, he sent a letter to the police headquarters, at the end of the letter he signed it as F.P. When caught and brought in for questioning, he confessed to the crimes and told law enforcement, “F.P.” stood for fair play. He was then sent to jail in 1957 under 47 charges. The criminal profiling …show more content…

This was not the first ever use or idea of criminal profiling, but this is where it was brought to light. One of the first ideas of criminal profiling was in a novel Edgar Allen Poe wrote. The New York City Police s Crime Lab had resorted to a man by the name of James Brussel, a private physicist who also did counterintelligence during World War 2 and the Korean War, to help them catch the man who had been terrorizing Manhattan. The story of the NYC Mad Bomber shows how criminal profiling helps catch criminals and stop more crimes from happening. Criminal profiling has some debate today over its usage and language. The writers from UAGC wrote, The practice of racial and cultural profiling is also fiercely refuted by many academics, law enforcement professionals, and social justice advocates. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, the practice has led countless people to live in fear, casting entire communities as suspects simply because of what they look like, where they come from, or what religion they adhere

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