NYU Personal Statement

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The heart of New York City is New York University. By joining the network of NYU, I will be able to study at an institution that has a long tradition of academic excellence among private universities in the United States. Additionally, I will be able to be part of an internationally recognized learning network with locations all across the globe. It would be a pleasure to study at a globally recognized university. A friend of mine who is a recent graduate from NYU College of Nursing has praised the program and conveyed to me a very positive experience. The curriculum allows students a hands-on medical approach in the Clinical Simulation Learning Center for those that are enrolled at NYU. The simulation lab has high technology manikins that resemble a real patient. These …show more content…

In addition to diversity, there is a good ratio of men to women at NYU College of Nursing than any other nursing schools. Furthermore, NYU College of Nursing’s clinical experiences has one of the most effective balances of on and off campus learning experiences. The faculties are excelled and doctoral prepared leaders in their research and clinical practices. NYU invests its time in us to be the best in our field of nursing. Lastly, NYU students are known for their level of excellence in scoring more than 90 percent on the NCLEX licensing exam on their first attempt. I am driven and determined to have a career in nursing by becoming a student at NYU College of Nursing. My main source of inspiration to become a nurse comes from a deep desire to help people. Nurses have the ability to see people at their worst, while helping them become their best. This is the most rewarding experience and an experience that I want to obtain. Being a trilingual nursing student, I would love to use the skills I acquired in nursing to help the immigration population of NYC and translate for patients with language