Naked Mole Rat Research Paper

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Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Rodentia Family: Bathyergidae Genus: Heterocephalus The Heterocephalus glaber, more commonly known as the Naked Mole-rat, is a burrowing mammal with unique features suited to an underground environment. Naked Mole-rats are the only mammalian thermoconformer, which means they don’t have the ability to thermally regulate their own body temperature. The naked-mole rat is neither a mole, nor a rat, but is a rodent closely related to Guinea pigs. Their tubular shaped bodies are perfect for living in a burrow because their small limbs allow them to run as fast backwards as they can forwards. Their features include tiny eyes that can only identify light and dark, very small ears and large teeth perfect for digging. Their pink and …show more content…

They can swim short distances but not by choice. As they rarely leave their burrows, swimming only happens if flooding occurs. Naked Mole-rats will climb over one another, but not trees. They are uniquely adapted to digging and living underground. They have developed very low metabolic rates to survive on very low amounts of oxygen and require very little food as a result. They cannot regulate their body temperature, but living in burrows the temperature is a steady 29-30° at 20 centimetres deep. This could also be why they have very little hair, so they can absorb heat easily. Other reasons given for lack of hair are to limit parasites, which would be a problem in overcrowded conditions, and to enable running backwards more easily. The remaining whiskers are probably used to feel, rather than see their surroundings. Like most burrowing animals they are almost blind, have very good smell and sensing of vibrations. Their body shape and loose skin enable them to navigate tight spots and to pass each other. Their teeth are large and strong, and grow continually for tunnelling, their arms and legs are weak by comparison, used only to push loosened earth

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