Name Brand Clothing On American Society

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The effects of name brand clothing on American Society
In America today, all demographics are being targeted by corporate messaging. Companies are making products to attract everyone, both adults and children, and they spend millions of dollars through advertising and sponsoring famous people marketing these goods to their consumers. Social media is another effective way corporations are communicating their brands to their targeted customer base. Americans are easily influenced by the messaging because of their desires to have the best, wear the best or simply own the best. To maintain certain classifications, people feel it’s necessary to purchase premium clothes even when the price tags may not truly fit their budget.
Why do we feel it’s …show more content…

Not just children and teens, but adults also see the effects other’s place upon the choices of clothing brands they wear. Often times, just by wearing name brand clothes, people feel a certain confidence that builds their self-esteem and allows them to step out of their comfort zones. Many times when individuals are going to an interview, they are encouraged to go buy a new outfit to wear just to give them a confidence boost to help eliminate any nervous emotions they may incur. While adults may not feel the pressures of peers like their children, the anxiety to fit in still exists especially among women as they seem to be more judgmental of other women almost in a competitive nature. For women, it may not be the walking billboard but the designer tag that sets the stage for a woman to enter a room with her head up and filled with boldness. Designer suits can have similar effects on men as well, just knowing they are wearing top of the line clothing gives them a top shelf …show more content…

Through this advertising, especially young children and teenagers desire such clothing to be more like the role models they follow. Clothing lines are a big business and fads are continually changing to stay competitive in the market. Look at how quickly the styles change from season to season, whether it be the colors or the lengths that are being adjusted. Either way the companies are making it very apparent and it is easily recognized when individuals are wearing last year’s style. Not only do we have to keep up with the popular brands but we have to wear them while they are in style to remain current with the popular

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