
Nan And Moozen: A Narrative Fiction

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Heavy breathing, leafs crunching with every step running to catch the prey. Guns in hand loaded I take a shot we all stop “yeah” Nan yells with exhilaration. Mooch stands there with a surprised look barely visible in the dark. Aiden r runs and picks up the rabbit. “Hey little bunny” he says with a squeaky voice considering he is only eight compared to 3 twelve year olds. Nan has the lowest voice he stands out the most and Aiden’s voice is the highest. I put the gun in the backpack I take out my flash light we didn’t see anything so we went deeper in the woods. Nan runs ahead he yells “Aiden” me and AIDEN r both look “come here” mooch is the fastest one so he darts off. Me and AIDEN r left behind get there last both Nan and mooch are staring …show more content…

Nan heads down first with a flashlight in his mouth with both hands groping the rope. Me being scared I head down right after him after what seems like 5 minutes my feet hit water. I turn on my flash light and look around “NAN”I yelled then I hear water splash I turn quickly it was just mooch. “Were is Nan “he says with a worried look on his face “I don’t know you just got down here after me” me and mooch heard a blood curdling scream we both run the foot of water isn’t helping. We find Nan “there you are where you the one that screamed...” his eyes turn pitch black “your friend has disturbed my slumber and now I have taken control of his body” then his moth turns into a menacing grin, his neck and all of his limbs start to grow. His teeth turn razor sharp then his hand turns into Aiden’s eyes pitch black “RUN” he says. me and mooch start to dash back towards the rope. Then mooch trips he gets pulled into the monster that was once my friend then a tentacle grows from his back this time I has mooches face with razor sharp teeth I start to climb up the rope then I feel a tug on it I don’t look down I just keep climbing then when I reach the top I fell a palm grab my leg I scream “join us” he says he starts to pull me I shine my flash light at him, all three heads hiss ”the weakness must be light” I start to run but he starts to chase me

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