Napoleon Bonaparte Research Paper

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Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte was well known for his book on artillery which was his most famous of books. In this book napoleon bonaparte tells all things you need to be a true army. Napoleon believed that his soldiers had to just as good as he is at his job to the point that all his soldiers carried a marshal's baton which is a sign that they are of a higher rank which meant his army was full of only officers. Napoleon talked about he read about other military army people and how that was the only way to become great army is to look at the campaigns of alexander or Hannibal, Ceasar. he said to be an army you need people who are like that of these men because and army is defined by the people who are in the army. In other words he …show more content…

If i applied his thought’s to war today i guarantee that people would begin to listen to him and he would be made king in one of the countries. The other thing was that Napolian had only become leader of his country because they were falling apart due to the french losing against the british. So you can see that just like current day we are at war with countries that are suffering because they have dictator’s who run their everyday lives. One thing that coaght me was that he believed that soldiers one the battles not the generals because genrals take the credit of the soldiers who die in the war.Today if we viewed soldiers we would probrally not be so quick to go to battle because to general he don’t care about the men taking his orders because they are a nessecity they are going to do what is nessery to win the

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