Why Was Napoleon A Military Leader

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influential and successful military leaders in history, who changed warfare with innovative tactics. Though, his reign was brief, but brought much glory to France and stabilized the uprooted country followed by the French Revolution in 1789. He introduced economic reforms and a Civil Code that became the model for most of Europe and beyond.

Historical Background

2. Napoleon Bonaparte was born in the year 1769, in Corsica, an island in France. He was a supporter of revolution that took place in 1789 and joined the French army. In 1795, he saved the French government from a coup by Royalist Rebels and was give the command of Italian army at the age of 26 years. In 1799, he led a coup to overthrow the government and was elected as one of the three consuls. Later he was made the consul for life and finally became the emperor in 1804.

3. As emperor, Napoleon continued to spread French power, …show more content…

Napoleon’s leadership style also received criticism, when it came to freedom of speech and press. He controlled the press and had separate newspaper for the military and civilian. He centrally controlled all his campaigns and did not involve his subordinates for developing a strategy. He believed in centralized control and is branded as Autocrat by some critics.


11. Napoleon Bonaparte was a successful military leader of his time. His military campaigns and conquests have been studied by scholars and academics over the years and are taken as reference in military studies. Apart from military background, he was also stout reformist, who effectively managed the affairs of the state and established peace in France during his reign. His successes are the testimony of this leadership skills and visionary thought. In one of his sayings, he quotes,

“Great ambition is the passion of a great character. He who is endowed with it, may perform either very great actions, or very bad ones; all depends upon the principles which direct