Narrabeen Man Report Lakeisha Summary

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Lakeisha has shown good interest in History this term. She has demonstrated a good understanding of sequencing historical events in chronological order and the difference between primary and secondary sources of information. Lakeisha struggled to write objectively when presenting her findings in her Narrabeen Man report. She participate well in class discussions.
Amelia has been very enthusiastic in history this term. She has demonstrated a good understanding of sequencing historical events in chronological order. Amelia is able to satisfactorily research, organise and present findings using some historical terms and concepts and incorporate some relevant sources in her work. This was evident in her Narrabeen Man report.
Jye has shown a good interest in history this term, He demonstrated a good understanding of sequencing historical events along a timeline. Jye is able to …show more content…

He has demonstrated a satisfactory understanding of sequencing historical dates along a timeline and the difference between primary and secondary sources. He investigated an archaeological mystery and using a range of different sources he presented his findings in a forensic report, to a satisfactory standard.
Charlotte has shown interest in history this term. She is able to confidently sequence historical events in chronological order. Charlotte has good time management as she was able to submit a draft, which benefited the final outcome of her Narrabeen Man report. She demonstrated the ability to gather key information from sources and develop her own explanations.
Amy has shown enthusiasm towards history. She has demonstrated some understanding of sequencing historical events along a timeline. Amy is able to gather key information from relevant sources and construct her own explanations. She has good time management and work ethic which allowed her to submit a draft in turn benefiting the final outcome of her Narrabeen Man