Narrative Essay About D-Day

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At the age of fourteen while setting in my freshman World History class was when the term D-Day came up in a class discussion we where asked “What do we know about D-Day?” more specifically what is D-Day and wat does it stand for. Once this question was asked every student in the class, except for one or two who did not seem to really care about what was going on, we all looked at each other with confusion. Turning back in our seats to face the teacher we see him scan his eyes around the room starting from the front then to the back then he gives us a light sweet smile as if he understood. The class continues with his talking the time to give us important facts and information about D-Day. Personally, I thought the D stood for something that …show more content…

Sadly, I cannot remember their names. The first soldier we come up on is dressed in his military uniform shirt, pants, and boots, he has one gun slung over his shoulder another is in the other hand facing the towards the ground with his helmet balancing on what I assume is the butt of the gun. His face seems to be emotion less there did not to seem be any fear, terror or anything in between. His eyes were looking down towards the ground. I believe maybe he was one of the ones who survived, and this statue was him mourning the lost of his friends and his team mates it is represented by the helmet on the gun. The second statue we come to I believe was the captain or lieutenant colonel is what some might say. His out fit was similar to the pervious soldier but without the weapons and boots. It looks as if he was wearing dress shoes and also a hat instead of a helmet. The statue has his left arm down to his side while his right is bent at the elbow as if he is gesturing to something or someone, like when we gesture with our hands while we talk. The tour guide explained that the statue was created based on a photo they found of the captain talking with his troops where he is in this exact stance. D-Day had a count of 153,110 soldiers, 23,400 who were airborne and 129,710 landed through ships, vehicles, and