Narrative Essay About My Mentor Experience

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As a child, I was raised Catholic. I went to Mass occasionally, yet I wasn 't fully committed to my faith. It was not until my mother basically forced me to connect with my faith and be a part of the church that I decided to get confirmed. That year, I enrolled in confirmation classes so I could prepare for my next big sacrament.
As part of the confirmation process, I went on two weekend retreats and loved them both; they truly changed my life. I was able to open up to people and really connect on a level that I had never experienced before. Many people who i would have never thought i would relate to and have great connections with, i did. I felt closer to God than I ever had, and by the end of my second year of confirmation classes, I knew …show more content…

Because my faith has given so much to me, I wanted to give back. I applied to be a confirmation leader so I could help younger teens have an amazing experience as I did. I was selected as a "peer minister" for the incoming confirmandi, which was a great honor for me. I have helped many teens work through a variety of challenges including family struggles, battles with drugs and alcohol, decisions to remain abstinent and almost everything in between. In mentoring the students, I have learned more than I ever expected. I learned that through the power of mentorship it is possible to turn someone 's life around. Because I have experienced many of these challenges, I was able to really connect with these teens.
Since my confirmation, my faith has become a foundation for my life. Although I don 't know where life will take me, and I don 't necessarily know what i want to do in life or as a career, I know that I want to be a positive role model and help others find fulfillment. I have really come to understand the term mentorship and leadership as a result of these past four years. Without going through the confirmation process and being confirmed, I don 't know where I would be today. It has really helped shape me into being the best

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