Narrative Essay On Lung Cancer

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Imagine going to the doctor and the doctor tells you, you are diagnosed with cancer. That's something my Grandfather was told in 2016. He was diagnosed with stomach cancer, I did not have a good understanding of the disease, neither was I interested in what it was or the effect on people. My interest changed when my loved one became a victim. Millions of people die from different types of cancer, including breast, liver, brain, and many more. Cancer is very serious and people need to be aware of the early signs to lower their risks and enjoy life whether you have cancer or not. To be aware people should get check-ups regularly, stay healthy, and live life to the fullest.
For this reason, checkups help with early detection of cancer. When cancer is diagnosed in its early stages you have a better chance of living longer and maybe even fighting it off. …show more content…

You never know when your life will come to an end. My Grandfather always said, " I'm just living life.'' To demonstrate, My grandfather has always been a part of my life. He, my dad and family had a great relationship. My grandfather was always there for my sisters and I. If we had a school function he was there. He came to support us during softball games, basketball games, track meets, dance recitals. He chaperoned field trips and attended school functions. He remained positive and kept a smile on our faces and reminded us that love does not stop. At his weakest, he was always providing for others and putting his family first. Even though my Grandfather had cancer that did not stop him from living life. People should do as much as they can while they're still living. It can be as simple as visiting a country you have always wanted to go to or just having fun with your family. People should not waste time sitting at home doing anything while there is a whole world out there for you to enjoy while you are still healthy and