A Narrative Of The Captivity And Restoration Of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

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Mary Rowlandson was a colonial American woman, she was the mother of three children and the wife of the minister Joseph Rowlandson. Mary Rowlandson was captured by Native Americans during King Phillip’s War. She was held ransom for eleven weeks. After she was released she wrote, “A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson.” This narrative is known for one of America’s first best sellers. The document is a valuable historical source because it was written from Rowlandson’s point of view. It captures the feelings of an individual living through a traumatic historical experience.
On February 10, 1675, Lancaster, Massachusetts was attacked by the Native Americans. The Native Americans killed settlers and burned down houses. They took …show more content…

Along the way, Rowlandson’s youngest daughter, Sarah, who was severely wounded by the attack of the Indians, died. Meanwhile, Mary herself was sold, to a Saggamore Indian named, Quannopin, who is related to King Philip by marriage. Her captors give Rowlandson a bible, and in it she finds comfort and hope. Meanwhile the Indians continue to attack British towns, including Medfield. After the fight, the Indians decided to remove westward, now heading north. Rowlandson is again separated from her friends and family. They reach the Banquaug river and cross it.. Rowlandson and the Indians cross the river and meet King Philip. For several weeks she remains at this settlement. King Philip requested Mary to sew a shirt for his son and in return he would give her food. After Rowlandson met with King Philip, the Indians started to move back towards Lancaster. She was told that she would be sold back to her husband. The Indians began to taunt Mary, they told her that her husband was dead, or remarried. Rowlandson became really upset, hiding herself in her Bible to find some type of comfort. During the sixteenth removal, Rowlandson was informed that she was going to be taken to Wachusett, so that her