Natalie Angier's Almost Before We Spoke We Swore?

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I enjoy using the occasional curse word when I speak, and I tend to use them frequently when I speak of something that I am passionate about, argue for something, or try to ease frustration. Some may think that swearing is a new, crude, and unintelligent aspect of today’s society. However, the truth behind swearing may come to a surprise. Natalie Angier’s “Almost Before We Spoke, We Swore” reveals some of the science, history and psychology behind why humans swear and where swearing came from. In the U.S. today, the Senate sees obscenities as a new-found virtual pandemic that must be brought to a stop or, at the very least restricted. The U.S. senate seeks to "return to the public square the gentler tenor of yesteryear, when seldom were heard any scurrilous words, and famous guys were not foul mouthed all day." As Angier 's article explains though, swearing has been a universal happening throughout humanity. From …show more content…

This research shows that swearing is not only often correlated with passion and quick wit, but the act of swearing actually fires up both the thinking and feeling pathways of the brain and causes a sort of arousal when heard. However, the "bad language" can also act as a stress-reliever to those who seek harmony and tranquility. A sign of comfort around people and a simple way to let off steam, evidence in Angier 's article suggests that swearing can be an effective means of venting frustration and forestalling aggression. Almost Before We Spoke, We Swore explores the roots of swear words in different cultures. According to Deutsher, "In some cultures, swear words are drawn mainly from sex and bodily functions, whereas in others, they 're drawn mainly from the domain of religion." The root of these swear words goes to prove what is important in each culture, for if a culture 's swear word are based in religion, that must be what is most sacred to