Cathy Birkenstein's 'They Say, I Say'

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In the book They say, I say, by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein they teach students how to be a writer. It is important to let people know how you feel. If you don 't tell your mom the shoes you 're wearing are too tight, how can she help you? Now what if your mom thinks your shoes are not too tight and you want to tell your Dad? What would you say to him? This book will show you the best way. Rule number one is to say what your mom said first. "My mom thinks my shoes are not too tight." This will help your Dad understand why you are about to share what you think. Rule number two is to say what you think. "I think my mom is wrong because my toes are squished!" Now you have talked about the whole situation and wont confuse your dad by