Natalie Priolli's Who Was Rosa Parks

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Who was Rosa Parks?
Hello my name is Natalie Prioli and I read the book Who was Rosa Parks? By Yona Zeldis McDonough. In the book it talks about the life and struggles of Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee Alabama. Rosa was a very famous black person who fought against racism and segregation. She is most commonly known for starting the Montgomery bus boycott.

Rosa Parks had a very hard childhood. She was small for her age and was often sick. Her parents split when she was two and she lived in Pine Level, Alabama. Although she felt safe in her home the world around was not safe. There was a lot of segregation and the kkk would set peoples houses on fire. The kkk is described as “A HATE GROUP THAT USES THREATS AND VIOLENCE AGAINST BLACKS AND OTHER MINORITIES.” In the book. Her father would stay up all night with a shotgun in his hand to protect her. She was commonly harassed for being black as she grew up and it was very hard to get a job. …show more content…

The first time she stood against the bus she eventually gave in to the buss drivers orders to get off the bus but it did not go down lightly. The second time she stood up she was told to leave her seat and she refused so the bus driver, which happened to be the same person as last time, told her to leave the bus. Again she refused. The bus driver told her she would be arrested and she said “You may do that.” The police arrived and she was put in jail. She was bailed out and she decided something needed to change, so she boycotted the bus. She told all the blacks to not ride the bus on December 5, 1955. No blacks rode the bus that day or any day for almost a year. Finally, the bus company let in and changed the