
Nathaniel Hawthorne Research Paper

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Favorite Poet Research Paper Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of the most gifted writers of the 1800s. Hawthorne was an American short story writer, romance novelist, and poet. He’s also best known for his fiction work. He was born July 4, 1804 in the town of Salem, Massachusetts. As known, Salem is recognized by being the place of witch trials, which links to Hawthorne’s family history. His ancestor was John Hathorne; the only judge involved in the Salem witch trials who never felt ashamed of his actions. Nathaniel later added a "w" to make his name "Hawthorne" in order to hide this relation. At the age of four, Nathaniel’s father, a sea captain, died of yellow fever. After the death of Captain Hathorne in 1808, Nathaniel, …show more content…

Both poems highlight relatable personal thoughts of people. Although both poems are dark and mysterious, I really can understand them and enjoy how interesting they are. “The Darken’d Veil” is about how he’d know what the future would be like if he raised the barrier, or veil, that stopped him. He could see everything, but he wouldn’t dare to look; things could be bad, it could change his life forever, even lead him to death. The end he describes fate has a “fix’d mysterious book” which is understandable because you really don’t know what lies ahead in your life. I love this poem because I wonder what the future is going to be like everyday. It makes me not want to know because of the scary outcomes described in the poem. “Go To The Grave” in my opinion, really reflects back on how his father died early in his life. It also has end rhymes in every line. In this poem, the speaker is telling the reader to go to a grave site and think about humanity. One thing to think about is how fast people have passed, which he writes as “And learn how quickly mortals fade”. He also wants the readers to realize how fragile humans are, and how we can be torn apart easily “Learn that we are but dust and clay”. Another thing is how short life is. Then he starts to look at the positive things when he wrote, “Yet do not sigh – there is a clime”. Clime is sunshine. In the end, he describes the grave as a road that will lead the dead to another

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