As shown above, the main objective of the allies in the beginning was eliminating Nazism. They considered that it was hidden behind the capitalist ideologies, which allow the formation of monopolies that were ruling the economy. However, the nationalist ideals were a bigger threat since they were the ones that triggered the war - the thoughts of Germany as a higher nation that could control the world were in the basis of this ideals.
In other words, looking back to that period, it seems now that it could have been more important to direct the fight towards nationalism rather than capitalism. Denationalizing Germany was the easier way to denazify it. Having that in mind, how could nationalism be fought? In fact, Social Market Economy was more
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Now it is important to realize that being an open economy allowed Germany to integrate economically with other European countries, erasing all traces of extreme nationalism that could still exist.
This idea was also defended by Konrad Adenauer who wrote that the process of European integration would also be a regeneration process that would leave aside nationalist ideas. He believed that integration was ‘The End of Nationalism’ and that was the exact title we gave to one of his publications .
Besides, the foundation of the European Union, more than a method to prevent upcoming wars, represented a crucial step against the nationalism and discrimination on promoting freedom of people and equal rights to everyone, independently of sex and race. These ideals have been protected by EU legislation through measures that combat all kinds of racism and xenophobia. The Race Equality Directive that prohibits discrimination in every aspect of life and the Employment Equality Directive that forbids discrimination against different religions and races both in the hiring process and in the working space are some examples between
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Despite their different ideologies, it was decided that Germany had to be carefully controlled politically and economically in the hope of preventing further wars or world crisis. A planned economy was put in force and it resulted in economic disaster. If the plan was making Germans suffer for the war, they succeeded, but that didn’t mean that all the Nazi ideologies were gone.
The increasing demand for allies against communism and Soviet Union inspired the United States to promote the recovery and economic integration of the European countries. German economy had once been one of the strongest economies of Europe and had resources to be great again, they were just not put into use. By rising Germany back to the top, they would be one step closer to this objective. Furthermore, a healthy economy would make possible the payment of the debt Germany was owing to Europe since the end of the war, enabling other countries to rebuild