Nationalism And Liberalism In Europe

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Nationalism was closely tied to liberalism in that exponentials of both ideologies demanded far reaching political change that threatened the state system of Central Europe. Nationalism is the belief that one’s greatest loyalty should not be to a king or empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture language and history .Nationalism touched nearly every country in Europe in the first half of the 19thCentuary but it was not until after 1848 that it really began to
At the Congress of Vienna in 1815, representatives from all the allies who had defeated Napoleon Austria, Russia, Prussia and Great Britain came together to try and provide a long term peace plan for Europe. They hoped that by settling the issues that had arouse during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars that they could stop Europe being shaken by further Revolutions. They drew a map of Europe that lasted for several generations. “What became known as the Congress system restored the principle of dynastic legitimacy and the balance of international power in Europe” . The balance of power ensured that no European state would be able to dominate the others. Where territories were given up by states they were given other land as compensation. To conserve the settlements at Vienna, the five major powers including France formed a “Concert of Europe.” As a result of all this Europe during this period became known as “Restoration Europe”. “Monarchs and nobles were guided by principles of