National Honor Society Essay Examples

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I was in 7th grade when I told my parents that I wanted to convert to a vegan diet. In the months before this, I had done extensive research on the topic of going vegan, planned out lists, and took many notes until I finalized my decision. I have always cared deeply about nature, and I wanted to do what I could to help with the protection of this earth, even if I was just one kid. Over the years, many people have told me that it’s not worth it and that my actions won’t make a difference. Despite hearing these contradictions, I kept going because, however small the difference I create, it’s better than making no difference at all. It has now been 3 years since I made the decision, and I don’t regret it one bit. My interest in caring for animals …show more content…

By being a part of the National Honors Society, I will be able to get involved in helping my community, develop my leadership skills, and have the opportunity to show my leadership capabilities. I place great importance on succeeding academically, as a student, and as a person. I am a hard worker who is always up to help out; I value community and love connecting with others; I always strive to do my best; and lastly, I am a team player. I believe these characteristics embody the National Honor Society, and it is my promise to continue to uphold these values.I was in 7th grade when I told my parents that I wanted to convert to a vegan diet. In the months before this, I had done extensive research on the topic of going vegan, planned out lists, and took many notes until I finalized my decision. I have always cared deeply about nature, and I wanted to do what I could to help with the protection of this earth, even if I was just one kid. Over the years, many people have told me that it’s not worth it and that my actions won’t make a …show more content…

I drew and designed a poster, then printed copies and passed them around the neighborhood. After consistent efforts of posting the flier to a neighborhood Facebook group and passing out printed copies to people walking their dogs outside, I eventually got my first job. I still deeply value keeping the earth clean in as little ways as I can. If I am walking outside or at school, I have developed the habit of picking up litter or trash I find and throwing it away in the nearest garbage can. It takes a few seconds out of my day to pick up the trash and wash my hands, but what seems like such little change to others is a great deal of change for the planet. By being a part of the National Honors Society, I will be able to get involved in helping my community, develop my leadership skills, and have the opportunity to show my leadership capabilities. I place great importance on succeeding academically, as a student, and as a person. I am a hard worker who is always up to help out; I value community and love connecting with others; I always strive to do my best; and lastly, I am a team