National Organization For Women Essay

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The National Organization for Women (NOW), is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that was established in 1966 (National Organization for Women, 2016). Their goals are to help achieve “equal rights for women; championing abortion rights, reproductive freedom and other women’s health issues; opposing racism and fighting bigotry against lesbians and gays; and ending violence against women” (National Organization for Women, 2016). In the battle for equality, women are faced with numerous obstacles that their male counterparts do not have to preoccupy themselves with, one of them being reproductive rights, specifically the right to a safe abortion. In the United States, there are two main viewpoints on the issue of abortion, one of them being pro-choice and the other pro-life. NOW is an organization …show more content…

The EACH Act is a bill that lifts the ban on federal funding for abortions and in effect repeals the Hyde Amendment (National Organization for Women, 2016). The NOW is supportive of this bill, on their website they provide an “action alert”, encouraging women to take action by contacting their representative and urging them to vote in favor of the EACH Act. Included in the action alert is valuable educational information on why women should support the EACH Act, as well as an invitation to take action with a direct email to a corresponding representative based on the visitors zip code. This form of advocacy allows the reader to learn about the issue and then provides them with a viable option for taking action, which is crucial in the fight for human rights. This type of advocacy is necessary because “reproductive rights are issues of life and death for women, not mere matters of choice” (National Organization for Women, 2016), and women deserve equal access to medical