Capitalism: The Role Of Nationalism In The 19th Century

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Nationalism is a modern phenomenon which took shape of a movement throughout Europe in the 19th century. It redefined the principles of commardship within a community. It provided an alternative to the medieval feudal order and absolute monarchy which ultimately failed to keep pace with the new social order i.e. Capitalism. With the advent of industrial revolution in the 18th century there occurred a transition from feudalism towards capitalism. This transition was smoothly unleashed by the spirit of nationalism which culminated into the formation of modern nation states.
Liah Greenfeld defines Nationalism as "a fundamentally secular and humanistic consciousness based on the principle of popular sovereignty and egalitarianism" .(Greenfeld, "Nationalism and the Mind") This promising principle of egalitarianism intoxicated every mind irrespective of social differences. Nationalism stood as the harbinger of new age. It commanded popular support because it offered an alternative to the older order. It promised freedom from all that was decadent, corrupt and …show more content…

The need of new market initiated a fresh wave of Capitalist venture under the banner of Nationalism. No age or time has probably seen such devastation as unleashed by Colonalism. Crime against humanity was being carried in the name of glorifying one 's nation. A dozen of ideologies were propounded to conceal this inhumanity like 'White Man 's burden ' and the equality that nationalism once promised was soon forgotten. The vices nationalism once fought against like despotism was later openly practised in the newly accquired territories of the nation

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