Personal Narrative: My Trip To The Native American Museum

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With all the difference in opinion me and my dad share when it comes to our beliefs, one thing he said to me have never left me. I remember when I was sixteen years old me and my dad had a discussion on the idea of race and how it affect the lives of minorities in this country and around the world. I am sure this is a conversation most black parents have with their children I least once a day in one form or another. But during our discussion he told me that I was going to have a hard time in life. Because I don’t conform to society norm, I view the world in a critical or analytical lens. He went on to say that being a wakening or a conscious black male in American, everything is going to piss me off. Because I see the world for what it …show more content…

I also like how the museum show different part of their culture, from the art to their everyday way of life. This was good to see because most museums usually display bits and pieces of artifacts, and it is up to the curator to decide on what they want to display and ultimately affecting or impacting public perceptions of these tribes. So to see the museum had items from mostly all walks of life for the Native American show that they wanted to show the full culture. I was also very surprised to see the similarity in the Native American culture compare to the African culture when it came to art, clothing, hunting, cooking, and domestic …show more content…

I was so bother by the fact that the museum and many museum like it seem to not create a difference between Africa and Egypt just one country in Africa, that I asked one other people that was working in the mummy labs in the museum archive, why did the museum separated. She told me she Egypt and Africa had two different cultures. I was so amaze by her answer that I just walked away from her, because this was a women that I am assuming from her positions and the job she was doing to be very educated. But sadly this is the mindset share by many people, they see Egypt to be different from Africa they consider Egyptian civilization to be one of the most advance in our recorded history. So it will be absorb to think that one of the most advance civilization could possible come from little old savage Africa. Some may say this is not a big deal, at least they are recognizing Africa. But in the Imagine Africa museum, on the message broad someone wrote “Egypt history is not a part of Africa history, and Africa will not be known if the was no