
Native Lore: How The Coyote Stole Fire

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”But always the mists of autumn evenings grew more chill, and the sun's strokes grew shorter. Then man saw winter moving near, and he became fearful and unhappy.” From this quote in “Native Lore:How the Coyote Stole Fire” a Native American Lore, the reader sees that winter is coming and people are cold because they do not have fire. “Native Lore:How the Coyote Stole Fire” a Native American Lore and “Firebringer” are about the protagonists feeling sorry for the humans and wanting to help the cold people from winter so that will not die. These two myths are alike because the protagonists have problem that has made them uncomfortable, they try to help but another problem has grown on them, and winter is coming making people unhappy and cold. Both Coyote and Prometheus are alike because they both want to make sure that the people are not cold from winter. As I was reading I saw this quote, “Coyote, overhearing this, felt sorry for the men and woman. He also felt that there was something he could to help them.” This quote shows that Coyote wanted to get fire to help people just like Prometheus did in the Firebringer. Coyote and Prometheus both want to help people for good In the myth the Beings and the Gods are alike because they both do not want anyone as powerful as them. I …show more content…

In the ending the humans got fire but in “Native Lore:How the Coyote Stole Fire” the humans ended getting fire but in a different way. This quote will show you that,”He showed them the trick of rubbing two dry sticks together, and the trick of spinning a sharpened stick in a hole made in another piece of wood. So man was from then on warm and safe through the killing cold of winter.”this shows that the humans still got fire but in a different way. In the end both stories are alike both stories the humans got fire in the

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