Natural Causes Of Climate Change

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Global warming or the slow increase in temperature of the Earth caused partly by the greenhouse effect increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which occurs due to climate change. Climate in definition says the analysis of accumulated weather data for long term patterns and trends while The Oxford Reference Dictionary gives the meaning of change as, "To make or become different." Now when you consider meaning for climate change you will be left with "long-term weather patterns and trends becoming different over an extended period of time."For example, If the average temperature in Manhattan, New York over the last decade is relatively higher or lower than the present, this would be an example of climate change. Climate changes occurs due to natural events and human activities. Examples for natural causes that effect on climate change are changes in the green house effect which affects the amount of heat that retained by Earth 's atmosphere, Variations in the sun 's energy reaching Earth, Changes in the reflectivity of Earth 's atmosphere and surface, volcanic eruptions, variations in the Earth 's orbit around the sun, and variations in solar output(Ahrens, 485-491).Examples where human activities that induce climate change are burning of fossil fuels which emit various substances to the atmosphere, industrial pollutants ,warming of average annual temperature due to urbanization (Eichenlaub, 163) and changes which takes place in the earth 's