Reaction Paper About Wicca

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Wicca is a nature religion, which is really pretty young – so the history of Wicca is also very young and is far from being that old as most other religions like for example Christianity or Buddhism, even when most of the beliefs, faiths and rituals, which are performed in Wicca are older than those well-known and big religions.
The origin of Wicca is in the first half of the 20th century and it is a persuasion of the Neo Paganism.
Wicca also sees itself as the ‘religion of witches’ and the most of the Wiccans are indeed witches, but not all of them.
The cult of the Great Goddess plays a major role in Wicca and there are a lot of parallels to this really old faith. But in Wicca there is also the Great God – and the Goddess and the God are with …show more content…

So that’s why they do love and worship the nature.
The big Goddess stands for the moon and many Wiccans do pray to the moon to celebrate her. The big God stands for the sun and here the same, many do pray to the sun to celebrate him.
Also do Wiccans work with a lot of other goddesses and gods, for example in rituals. But they do only see in these goddesses and gods another kind of appearance or facette of the 2 big main gods – the Goddess and the God.

Wicca sees itself as a very tolerant kind of religion and they do not think, that their religion is the only right one. Dogmatism, fanatism and discrimination of other religions is rejected.
Freedom of expression and the connectivity to the nature do have a very high place.
The ethical principles in Wicca do base on the rede “An ye harm none do as ye will”, what means, that you can do what you want to do as long as you harm no one, and the Law of Three, what means, that everything, that you do to others will come back to you in a triple way. Most Wiccans do follow the “Wicca Rede”, which is a poem with a lot of advices for their behaviour. But this is not the same as the 10 commandments, the Wicca Rede is a guidance, not a …show more content…

That means, that everything has an end, but at the same time, another thing is starting. The sabbats tell the myth of the Goddess and the God and remind us of the relationship between them and also the fertility of the earth. The Goddess gave birth to a son an Yule, this son is the big God. So in the following time, the Goddess recovers from birth. The next sabbat Imbolc is for celebrating the recovering of the Goddess, the now longer phases of lightness during the day wakes her up. The God, who now is a bigger boy, shows his power by making the days longer (the God dtsnads for the sun). At Ostara the Wiccans celebrate the equinox in spring, the Goddess is awake and pours out the cornucopia of fertility. Beltane shows the God getting a man (no more a little kid). His desire for the Goddess is growing. The Goddess and the God unite them and the Goddess is receiving. This ritual is celebrating the fertility of the Goddess. At Midsummer (Lithua) the summer is at his cenit, fertility is at his highest point. At Lughnasadh the time of the first harvest. The God is loosing his power, the sun is rising a little bit later every day. The Goddess sees this as well as with sadness as with happiness – she sees the God dying, but she knows, that he is still alive as a baby inside of her belly. At Mabon, the equinoy